
Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book idea: Mildly Normal Insanity

Hello Bookworms!
So, last month, I started NaNoWriMo with every intention of writing an absolute ton in my Treasure Island book: TreasureHood. Then it got snippy with me since I remembered that my characters wanted to get some development in, then TreasureHood absconded with my sanity and Mildly Normal Insanity came up to me and said, "Hey, if you're not busy, WRITE ME!!!" So that's what I've been working on. I need to get a better hold on my plots!
I have several stories all clambering for my attention, so today I am posting about one of my favorite and more developed stories: Mildly Normal Insanity. I named it MNI for short. I wrote about it earlier this year, but that was before it decided on a concrete plot.  Well, as concrete as any plot can be while it's still being written.
The essence of the book is still the same: second-person zombie-apocalypse survival story. The only thing that has changed is practically everything else. I have been playing around with the idea of taking older stories that people have either forgotten about or lost interest in, and rewriting them. So, that's what started happening with MNI. It is now a modernized retelling of the Iliad, told from Athena's point of view, only none of the gods are actually gods: they're just the main characters. (That's what I get for naming my main character Athena) I've found that the humans from the Iliad are the zombies, and the demi-gods and main characters from the Iliad are just the few people who I'm unsure of what to do with. Needless to say, my characters are quite miffed with me.
Please let me know what you think, I'm trying to get back to blogging but it could be a while. Thank you for reading!
Demidium facti que coepit habet!