
Thursday, February 5, 2015

Book idea, mildly normal insanity (Both)

Hello Bookworms!
Ok, so today I am writing about yet another book idea I had, and this one actually sounds good! (That would probably be because I have absolutely no idea where it's going; if I did I probably wouldn't even attempt to write it.)
The basic premise is a non-romantic zombie apocalypse story in second person, describing not only the apocalypse, but also where the plague originated, and the cure that the main characters search for-which they may or may not find-and also the many ways in which different people and personalities would react to such a disaster. The main character is a female, by the name of Athena Celine Blake.

One of the fascinating parts about the story is that the main character herself is slightly insane, and therefore no one knows if the apocalypse is really happening, or if she just thinks that it is, which depending upon which way you take it, the story could be the tale of a disaster, or an examination of a psychosis.This is a tiny sample of the work.

Nicole stops, stunned by the suddenness. Her eyes grow wide as she stares in disbelief.

“No, Theo, not you!” The creature your friend has become is rising up to kill your other friend, so you need to take action. Quickly, you pull out your gun and shoot two rounds into his head.

Nicole staggers back. “What, what have you done?” Her voice is shaking, and you can see the tears welling up in her eyes. You’ve seen this before in the field, and have no time for it. The stress of the battle, the shock of losing someone close is shutting her down and her mind is freezing up. You grab her arm to get her out of the danger before it’s too late; only the girl you’re holding on to isn’t quite as shell-shocked as you had imagined. Quite the opposite, as her mind which had been shutting down is now firing up with anger at you.

“How could you, to your own friend?!” She screams at you. She tries to pull away but you keep holding her arm; if she were to make a false step it would be her last.

“If I hadn’t killed him he would have killed you.” You try to reason. “I did what had to be done.”

“Is that how you rationalize it? Killing one of your closest friends? They were right, you are insane!?” She’s crying now, but she’s still thinking rationally.

“He wasn’t my friend any more, he was already gone. The virus had already claimed him.”

“He could have been cured,”

“But at what cost?!” You snap at her. “Even if we somehow made a cure, and somehow cured him, when he woke up he would have had to live with killing you, there was no way around it. How would you like to know that you’re closest friend just died so you could live a nightmare?”

“Isn’t that what you did just now?” She accuses you. You fall silent, wishing you had an answer, but there isn’t one. Nothing can excuse what you’ve done, she’s right. You take a deep breath. “All I know, is that Theo would have gladly died for you to live. If it was wrong of me to act as I did, then forgive me. But write now our main goal is to find shelter.”
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! I'm still working on how the second person relates to dialogue, but it's coming together rather well.The next blog post will be another top ten, but I won't be doing a Shady Friday this week. (My next Shady Friday is going to be long, but I hope you find it worth it!) Have a great week!
 dimidium facti qui coepit habet 

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