
Friday, April 22, 2016

Shady Friday #21

Hello Bookworms!
Two posts in one week? Shall I jinx myself by saying: I'm getting back to blogging? Yup. Jinxed myself. Oh well, I'll still try to keep up with the blog!
Today's Shady Friday is from Mildly Normal Insanity. (If any of you can think of a better title, I'm all ears!) So, my book woke up big time. It has several P.O.V.s, (Point of Views, as a friend of mine pointed out that she didn't know what I was talking about when I said that!) and Athena, due to the nature of her insanity, now sees the world in 3rd person. However, Eros, (who has a VERY important role in the book) is now speaking in 2nd person. Or at least his P.O.V. is in 2nd person. I'm still working on him. He's crazy. Anyway, back to the story at hand. A lot is going on, and I can't explain much, but here's a scene. This particular scene is told from the perspective of Hades. (Hades is a good guy in this. Yes, that's spoilers, but in the original mythos he was a perfectly normal person. Well, perfectly normal god.)
I don't think you need to understand too much about the plot other than the fact that Aph. is short for Aphrodite, Ode is short for Odysseus, and Poison is short for Poseidon. Have fun reading!
 Aph. had some difficulties talking about the zombies after that. I can’t really blame her, they looked so human. It was like looking at the last twinges of an animal our cats brought in at the farm. It was clearly gone beyond all help, but it still looked so pitiful. You wanted to reach out and help it, it looked so damaged. But trying to help wouldn’t do any good, and if the thing had rabies, or in this case a dangerous neural anti-agent, you could get seriously hurt. Then again, with the topic they had changed to, getting hurt was likely to happen anyway.

“What about you, Ode? Did you have any family?” I shuddered, not wanting to remember mine. Not remember my parents, my brothers, my sister.

“I had a girl back home, actually.” Ode replied, leaning back. A part of me was curious, and another part realized what a dangerous path this was. Talking about what could never be again, that was tricky ground to cover. “She was something else.” Ode smiled as he thought of her. I wondered what she looked like. Where was she from? Was she an American, or was she from oversees? Had she had a simple job before this, like waitress or secretary? Or was she something exciting? Had she served with him in the military? Had she been a secret agent?

“What happened to her?” I asked, despite myself.

Ode just smiled. “I don’t know. And for that I’m glad. She was developing early onset Alzheimer’s when I left for my last tour. Then this happened. I can only hope that she made it out alive, but that’s better than knowing otherwise. I’ll never know, and right now I think it’s better to believe a good lie than know a tragic truth. It won’t make a difference one way or the other.”

“Alzheimer’s? How old are you?” Asked Poison.

Ode laughed. “56, why? How old do I look to you?”

I gaped. “You’ve given over half your life to the military?!”

Ode smiled at me. “I’ll take that as a compliment. Yup. Joined up in ’83. Got my degree while serving. Met her there too. Penelope was her name, but we just called her Nelly. I fell in love the day I met her.” He sat forward. “’course it took longer for her to feel the same way ‘bout me. But once she did, well…” His smile grew fond, and I could tell the rest of the conversation was carrying on in his head. I still couldn’t shake it. All the way out here, there were still people who held to their convictions. Their morality. Their love. Maybe, if Ode could find a way to make it, then so could we. 
So? Thoughts? Some of my characters are still sorting themselves out, and some I know where they're going. I'm trying to not include too much that will probably get changed, but this is a brief example of what I've got at the moment. I have a few more posts in my head to get out, so I'll be working on those! 
Scribe ergo quae vidiste vivere! 

1 comment:

  1. This is really intriguing! I look forward to reading more of it in the future!

