Hello Bookworms!
I haven't been blogging in a little while, so today I'm doing a very fun, very simple post. Basically, I'm writing 10 of my favorite words, and explaining why I love them. Simple, short, and it gets me back into the routine of blogging. Plus, who knows? Maybe they'll help expand your vocabulary!
#10: Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
Despite what spellcheck says, this is a real word! It means fear of long words. I simply love saying it and wigging people out, but it's also ironic. People get scared because I can basically say it in one breath, but they generally end up laughing when I explain what it means. It's just something I like.
#9: Eclectic
This is a lot like eccentric, but eccentric implies a higher level of insanity. Eclectic simply means using a little of the best of everything. I think it's a beautiful word, and it describes my writing style beautifully.
#8: Abscond
DON'T ask me why I fell in love with this word, but I did. It means to run away with. I sometimes like to say that my muses have absconded with my sanity, and have been informed that only writers use words like that. Okay, so I know exactly why I fell in love with this word! It's one that I like. So...nothing else to say. Moving on.
#7: Catalyst
I have never seen this word used in normal writing, which really stinks. Science doesn't get to claim our words, people! So, according to the dictionary, a catalyst is someone or thing that precipitates an event or change. Basically, it makes things happen. In simpler terms, it's a plot device. But it makes me feel smart to say it. :)
#6: Asinine
Why do I love this word? To start off with Harry used it in The Flash. Wait, I need another reason to love it? Oh, all right. It's a great insult. There. You sound intelligent as you call someone an idiot. Perfect reason to love the word.
#5: Photosynthesis
Another sciency thing. Wait, sciency isn't a word either? Wow, spellcheck is picky! Alright. I love photosynthesis because it's a very fun word to say. Photosynthesis. It sounds like someone likes taking pictures of themselves, while in actuality it has something to do with sunlight and plants. If you are interested in learning more: check out a book on plant biology. I'm a writer, not a scientist.
#4: Psychosomatic
I PROMISE I'M NOT A SCIENTIST! I really love the words psychosomatic, firstly because it's used in BBC's Sherlock. (Yup. I'm a fangirl. Hello everyone!) Secondly, because it's a fascinating principle. Someone can hear of symptoms and their neurological pathways will tell them that they're experiencing those symptoms? That's amazing!
#3: Harmony
Why do I love the word harmony? Because it is a very peaceful, calming word. It seems so calm, so simple. So easy to spell! Also, it's a very musical and respectful word. You can almost imagine yourself in a Gothic cathedral listening to the music of the Reformation whenever you hear the word. Harmony. (Yes. I have issues. Feel free to talk to me about it in the comments!)
#2: Tariff
Basically it's a fancy word for taxes.(Not entirely, Tariff has to do with a specific tax, but close enough.) Still, it sounds a lot better to say you're going to go do your tariffs than your taxes. Perhaps it's just me, but I feel more like I'm in Sherwood when I use the word Tariff. It's nice!
#1: Pity
Alright, so this one isn't complicated or anything, but his is one that I really want people to understand! All the time, in books, TV shows, and movies, these really strong characters say: "I don't want your pity." And we're supposed to like them for it. I looked up the definition. Pity is another word for showing compassion. WHAT IS WRONG WITH PITY?! Refusing pity doesn't make you stronger, or braver. It makes you a jerk and an idiot. What's wrong with letting someone look at you and say: your life is hard, I'm sorry you have to go through what you're going through. That is what pity is. So, reason I love this word: it's misunderstood. Please, oh writers out there who read my blog: show someone accepting pity and it NOT BEING SEEN AS A PATHETIC THING!
So, those are 10 words I really like. Please leave a comment, they really help me know what you're thinking! I hope I'm back to blogging, but I really don't know.
Scribe ergo quae vidiste vivere!
I love number 10, although I'm still working on how to pronounce and remember it. I really like your thoughts on the word pity, and I agree with you! Keep posting!