
Friday, August 15, 2014

Shady Friday #14

Hello Bookworms!
Thank you so much, I just reached 1,000 views on my blog! Ironic, two amazing things happen around the 14th Shady Friday, and my favorite number is 14. Anyway, I wrote this a while back, but I think it is my second best poem ever. Plus, it's the prologue to the second book in my trilogy. Enjoy!

The stars guide the nations that fall into ruin,

The stars guide the ships that sail to their deaths,

The stars guide the travelers that never are found;

How treacherous the stars that we trust with our lives!

Yet when the worlds fall, and our people all die,

It’s back to these treacherous stars that we flee.

Those stars by their millions have stolen our hearts,

Yet always we gaze up to them in our plight.

What would we do if the stars disappeared?

If our guides would just vanish, ne’re to be seen?

As the stars fall away the kingdoms cry out,

As light fades from life, the oceans decay.

Back then, when this glorious light filled the sky,

Back, when the people knew not what would come,

The light from our lives began its descent,

As the treachery of mortals invaded the sky.

~Treachery’s end game, by Ciella Woodsbridge, chief squire of the forgotten lands.
OK! I wrote that one morning on a long car trip, but for some reason it stuck. Oh, and yes, it is written in free verse. Thank you again, PLEASE comment, I would love to know what you all think! Oh, and please follow! Habent sua fata libelli!

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