
Friday, October 16, 2015

Shady Friday #17

Hello Bookworms!
Two blog posts in 1 week? Wow, I must actually be catching up with the blogging thing! So, yes. Today, I am posting another Shady Friday. What is this, the first one since February? Ok, I know, I need to keep up with my blog! :)  Anyway, I decided that I should share the prologue of the book I am calling TreasureHood, and please leave comments on how you think it turned out!
 There are many emotions in the known world that act as catalysts for virtues, and also vulnerabilities in the human mind. The grief, rage, sorrow and loss felt by the parting of a loved one act as one of the strongest of these catalysts.  Sometimes it creates self-motivation, a sense of determination to rise up and live to the fullest; but sometimes it instills a sense of rebellion and denial which morphs into a desire to distance oneself from anything and everything that person stood for. This was the case of our main character, one Miss Hawk, or Jim. Instead of accepting her mother’s loss and trying to move on, Jim’s grief told her that everything her mother had stood for meant nothing. This resulted in a complete and total rebellion, which lead her to her father’s library in search of solitude. This was the beginning of the tale which changed her life; I’ll leave you to decide which was better.

For the precise details on the tale, we shall be exploring into the diary of our main character. Do not worry, I have her permission to share these details. She has also been guaranteed a version of this report after it is published to ensure that no more than what has been agreed upon is released. Plus, for those of you who are nervous about her not taking the opportunity to tell us if she is bothered, but simply dealing with it, don’t fret over it. She won’t waste a moment in telling me off if I get a fraction of this off. Enjoy.

From the remarkable Diary of Miss Hawk, (A very fine, respectable young lady who would never tell anyone off, has never been emotionally incapable, and is just the handiest person for this, incompetent loudmouth who can’t keep out of peoples business, to write about.)

So, what did you think? I'm probably not going to include the person whose perspective this is being written by in the rest of the book, as I have no idea which character is the one speaking. Still, I wrote this near the conception of the book, and everything else just came together. Please let me know if you want me to post more of it! Until then, I actually know what I'm posting about next! Yay!
Dimidium facti que coepit habet! 

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