
Friday, February 21, 2014

Shady Friday #3

Hello Bookworms!
Sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been busy. Anyway, Shady Friday again!
So, sometimes people who write get a mental block which we fondly call 'writer's block'. I've heard many suggestions about how to get around this, and I personally believe the best way to get around it is by writing something else. I find something in the room, and I start to think, 'where would I expect to find this, and what would be going on?' Well, I happen to have a writing competition with a great friend of mine to write as much as possible in one year. So, when I can't think of anything to write in my own book, I write randomness for the challenge. One thing to keep in mind while writing is that you don't have to follow any rules as you write, your story is yours. So, if you want to write about a talking pen, or an elephant who wasn't scared of mice, or in my case, fairy tails meeting modern zombies, then go ahead, and never decide you have to write about anything, because when you write, everything changes. Everything is up to the imagination, and it doesn't always consult you.
"Clark Clement. Just his first two names, he never remarks about his last. Some people say he's a twin, others say he's a doppelganger; other still say she's a doppelganger. Then the sane just look on and shake their heads. I don't know what I believe about him, other than the fact that he's different from anyone else in the world. Not sure how different, but he is."
This was the first of many such comments about my way of life. I guess no one really ever understood me. Then again, not many people get a chance to find the truth behind any myths. And look at me, I discovered the truth behind every fairy tale ever told. Except, most people leave out the really interesting bits. You don't see Cinderella's corpse mother walking in on the middle of the ball, you don't hear about how Snow White started to fall in love with her son due to a paradox, and you certainly don't hear about how the youngest bear from Goldilocks was murdered. That one's too hard, that one's too soft, this one's just dead. Then, no one ever talks about the fact that the evil queen's mirror was actually a television set on reality TV. No one talks about anything, so everything is lost.
I hope you enjoyed that, it's only the introduction, and I haven't gotten much further. Anyway, what do you do when you get writer's block? And what do you think about poems? Please comment! Habent sua fata libelli!

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