
Monday, January 18, 2016

Disney Short: Lorenzo

Hello Bookworms!
It has taken way too long to write this post! Well, a few months ago my sister and I watched twelve Disney shorts, and I was inspired by most of them. So, today I am writing about the one which I think was best written, and most definitely had the best surprise: Lorenzo. Now, I've been working on no spoilers, but I will do a summary of the style itself.
The story starts with a rich cat, who is uncharitable, unsympathetic, and taunting. He sees a mysterious black cat who has no tail, and makes fun of that cat while flaunting his own excessive tail. The black cat then possesses the rich cat's tail, and the rest is spoilers. Honestly, I never knew Disney could be so dark!
Lorenzo doesn't have any words, however the sound still plays an important part. The music supplements what is happening beautifully, and does an excellent job at foreshadowing, and setting the mood of the scene.
The artwork was excellent at implying stereotypes that were helpful to understand the story line, and the personalities of the characters themselves. Plus it lent itself to expressing the darkness of the story.
The plot itself held my attention utterly, and honestly left me speechless. While definitely the darkest I have ever seen Disney go, the final implications were staggering, and impressive. This is not a simple, cute Disney short. This is thought provoking, and dark. I suppose one might say, (to use fandom references) that Lorenzo compared to the rest of Disney is like CW's Arrow, in comparison to CW's Flash. They may be from the same universe, but one is much darker than the other.
As to what it means: I can only speculate. However, as that seems to be the entirety of what I do on this blog, I shall speculate away. Due to the phrase: fat cat, it could be that they were making a semi-political statement. Beware of the underdogs: they hold more power than you think. It's also possible that it was just a lesson on why making fun of people is a bad idea. Who knows?
Anyway, I loved the short, it was one of my favorites. Would you like for me to write about the rest of them? Is there something in particular you want me to write about? Oh, and is there a Shady Friday that you want me to continue? Let me know!
Demidium facti que coepit habet!
P.S. Sorry this one took so long!

1 comment:

  1. i enjoyed this post and would love if you wrote about more of them. continue posting!

    abby :)
